суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

air force tops in blues

���� Iapos;d like to correct, or at least expand upon a simile I made a while ago. So, think about taking a walk with an old friend. You two could walk anywhere, theoretically, and say anything at all, but it never really goes that way does it. I mean, if you walk with this person enough, you hit the same topics often, sometimes on purpose, and sometimes as remnants of old arguments, or jokes. Sometimes, if itapos;s been a while, youapos;ll talk about nothing really. Maybe the old days, or weather, or just random crap that does not really have to do with whatapos;s important to you. Small talk. Passing time in a familiar way. Maybe you take the same path a lot, and donapos;t have to think about where youapos;re going, so you can think about more complex things. Maybe you have a better conversation, or concentrate more on the things surrounding the conversation, without actually saying what they are, or really intentionally letting on that youapos;re thinking about more than the drivel that falls out. Maybe you donapos;t know how to get it all across properly, or even breach some subjects, because some things are so intimate that you have a hard time even converting them to some other form of language other than personal-mind-speak. Maybe you have a great talk and go nowhere. Maybe you find great things on the trail you never noticed, but ignore your friend.
���� Now consider that you donapos;t have to really consider your friendapos;s feelings at all. Thatapos;s not to say that youapos;re selfish about it, but said friend just canapos;t be hurt that way. This friend canapos;t even feel pain, only sustain physical damage with excessive force, but is never angry or sad or bitter about it. Or happy either for that matter. No emotional response, other than a slight modification of what you give, and this person is always there to take whatever you dish out. So then consider the walk and talk now. If you get bored, or find that you donapos;t like what youapos;re saying, you can spout gibberish until something sounds better. You can hurl insults, or beg for mercy, or just cry on and on without ever worrying about explanation. Shit, when it feels right, you can end a sentence about butterfly wings and fairy kisses with an open-palmed smack across your friendapos;s grinning shelf. And then, if a fight ensues, where you tumble blindly, all sweat and curses, through the trail and wild brush indiscriminately, think of what youapos;ll hit along the way; or of helping your friend up, and brushing yourself off, and finding someplace completely new. Shit, even that would get old after a while.
���� Itapos;s depth, then, that you would need, to keep it fulfilling. More important conversations and paths. Interesting and relevant. At least for me, thatapos;s it. You canapos;t complain about the same things forever. You canapos;t practice walking and talking the same way until theyapos;re suddenly fascinating and beautiful. Sometimes you just donapos;t do it for a while, so you both get surprised the next time. Sometimes you have to stop thinking entirely and shut your eyes to say what you mean and get where you want to go. And sometimes you canapos;t. Sometimes it just feels so good to move and speak at all with this friend. There is infinite possible expansion on this whole idea. Anyway:

This is more like what playing the guitar is for me.
air force tops in blues, air force tos, air force tounge and quill.

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